Tuesday, May 12, 2015

[Anyone on the Autism spectrum should be horrified by this]

I've been observing the coverage of the little girl with autism who was thrown off of a plane. I won't even get into the particulars of the story,because they have been used against this kid and her mother..but as someone on the autism spectrum, the reactions to this horrify me.

United knows they're in the wrong, and how do they react?They spam the comments of every online article they find.There are a zillion different reasons that I think it is spam:It's the same people(especially on United's Facebook) posting the same comments over and over.And it's the sheer amount of comments saying that United is right-everywhere that makes me think this is a calculated move by the airline to try and save face. But what it's doing is making them look like assholes.

Not only that, but the VAST majority of people on the plane say that the girl and her family did nothing wrong(though there is one woman who is speaking out and saying that she agrees with the pilot's decision to throw this little girl off of the plane.She doesn't help her case by making various statements that made her look very ignorant about what autism is. People(and I use that term loosely) like her make me shake me head.) Can't help but wonder if  they got to her. No, really.

United does not car how bad this makes them look. But it's far from the only mis-step they've made. Not even close.Their(terrible) reputation  is well known.Time for an expose of how they do things, especially WRT their Facebook page which is overrun with trolls(other airlines used to have a lot of trouble with trolls on their Facebook pages but there was more uproar than there than elsewhere so you don't see them hardly at all.)

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