Friday, July 3, 2015

[S3 Ep 5:Contorno]

God how I loved this episode.

But first, a few things:Ratings:not great. But it kinda doesn't matter at this point :P

Secondly, the cast have been released from their contracts.This doesn't mean the end, should Hannibal be picked up by a streaming service or cable network.It just means that the contract negotiations could get interesting. And finally, Bryan Fuller is commiting to American Gods right now,so he would  be doing that for a while.What that means is that the fourth season of Hannibal, should it get picked up, may not happen for a while.

I have resigned myself to being OK with that-I mean, we had to wait a year plus for S3..I think I could do it, if I had to. The waiting for S3 did get to me-It got to all of us Fannibals in some shape or form!

And good lord.The promo for next week's episode.I immediately was wishing that it was next Thursday already :)

Apologising beforehand but this review is going to be very off the top of my head and jump around a lot.

First of all:Hannibal got beat down.And freaking how. Oh my god.That was a thing of beauty.Hannibal always seems to be able to avoid being captured/injured..not this time. Of course, Jack used the fact that he works in a museum with a bunch of sharp instruments against him. And I bet Hannibal never thought he would have to use one of his kills to avoid falling to his death(more about that in a minute!)

I never thought Alana would have been so resourcsceful  when it comes to  tracking down Hannibal. Also, she is one of the few people(apart from Margot) who does not put up with Mason's shit(her reaction when Mason asked if she swallowed was priceless-"Spitters are quitters"..quite possibly the grossest thing Mason has said(so far) in S3.) And Hannibal answering Pazzi's phone when she called to warn him.. she was NOT expecting that, fo sho.)

Jack got some of the best lines(and the best fight) this week.We saw him scattering Bella's ashes and throwing his wedding ring into the water. People deal with things in very different ways. Pazzi makes a reference to being disgraced.. whilst I don't think Jack is disgraced, necesssarily.he's been forced to take early retirement(because of Bella's health, among other things, though the events of the Red Dinner may factor into it somewhat as well-they've always been a bit vague about that-it would nice to have a bit of clarification on that, actually.)In last week's episode Jack talks about  sticking to the same official story about what happened, which could suggest that the FBI has talked to them about what happened more than once.

The fight absolutely was a rematch of the Red Dinner fight..except Jack was getting most of the shots off..Hannibal looked like he had gone a bunch of rounds with Mike Tyson afterwards-and then Jack threw him out the window(apparently  Jack's recovery regimen included a lot of working out :P)

Meanwhile, Will and Chiyoh are on a train(well, not for long..) they share a bunk-amazed that Will willingly(ha!) took the top bunk but he was just being polite. He and Chiyoh have pillow talk(heh.) he wakes up, she's not there, she's at the back of the train..they have this very deep conversation, they kiss.. AND SHE THROWS HIM OFF THE  FREAKING TRAIN. He does this flip in the air(which had to have been a stuntman.) He's looking almost as beat up as Hannibal.
I have never trusted Chiyoh..and by the looks of next week, we're not close to being done with her. She's in episode 7 but after that it switches to the Red Dragon storyline...we'll have to see what happens to her.

(All I could think after Will got thrown off the train was "I hope he managed to grab his wallet first". It's funny the things that I consider important).

As Will is staggering down the train tracks, who should show up but Swiggity Swag The Nightmare Stag!

Pazzi was always doomed.. I know Bryan loves to switch things up, but when I heard that they were incorporating elements of Hannibal(the book/movie) and Hannibal Rising(ditto) I wondered if Pazzi would be in there(which we found out quickly was the case) and if he would have the same death as he did in the book and movie(which he did)There were several things that were straight up out of the book/movie.

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