Friday, July 10, 2015

[S3 Ep 6:Dolce]

Still no new news on Hannibal being picked up by someone else..but I am still hopeful.There is a chance that we will find something out this weekend at ComiCon(also hopeful)

Ratings..are what they are.Not enough to make NBC consider un-cancelling Hannibal,unfortunately. #ouch. LOL I think they're going to seriously regret renewing Aquarius come the fall..Pretty sure they saw what was being said about them after they cancelled Hannibal :P

That being said, on to the review.The usual applies.. this is going to be an all over the place review -just the way I do things/my mind works..I love being a bit stream of consciousness, me. ;)
*Mason wants a baby.. and he wants Margot's help, if you get my drift.(Mason Verger, AKA "Uncle Dad". ROFL.)

Mason was one of my favorite  things about this epsisode(I LOLed at his dreaming about Peking Hannibal. :P) Also got a chuckle out of Cordell cooking pig tails for him.

Mason also gets a moment at the end of the episode, welcoming Will and Hannibal to Muskrat Farm(literally can't wait to see where they go with that next week!)

Meanwhile his sister gets a sex scene. A kaleidoscopic sex scene. With Alana.Which I thought was very tastefully done. I mean,I'm not bothered by  such things. But Bryan Fuller did a lot with what he was allowed to show on broadcast TV(and after said sex scene Margot asked Alan if she knew anything about harvesting sperm. How's that for pillow talk?)

Chiyoh got a moment here-granted, it was shooting at Will(or was she shooting at Hannibal-mind you,she was shooting at Will, who *did* have a knife in his hand. Just sayin'. ;) ) That lead to a scene where Hannibal was patching Will up( "you must have quite a collection of scars",indeed.)

(The Hannigram was strong in his episode. Fair bet that the most anti-Hannigram person in the fandom was watching that and cringing. Hannibal actually *cuddled* Will. OK it was only for a second but it was a cuddle. :) )

Hannibal drugged Will whilst he was patching him up. Hannibal took Will to Sogliato's house and gave him some soup(which Will didn't like..probably because there might be people in it?)Jack was hooked up to an IV, and made to watch whilst Hannibal cut into Will's head(which then morphed into a scene with a forest and then they were at Muskrat Farm.Hanging upside down.In a meat locker.

(BTW Will changed Will for their dinner so he knew what size Will wears,IDK. It also means that he saw the scar that he gave Will.)

Of course before that we got the official Hannigram reunion.In front of  the Primavera, of course. They had their girl talk(which led to Will getting shot at.) Loved Hannibal's "atta girl" when Will told Hannibal that Chiyoh threw  him off the train)

*Jack was dealing with the death of Pazzi when Will showed up(looking the worse for wear, though I think Hannibal looked a *little* worse after his fight with Jack. Jack got shanked on the achillie's tendon by Hannibal("He's under the table, Jack" is the new "In the pantry".)

The MVP this episode was Bedelia,tho.OMG, doped up Bedelia is the best Bedelia of all. Love that she won't let her guard down-she keeps insisting that she is Lydia Fell(even when she is called out by multiple people,especially a cop, who is like "Really?"

(Will got a sick burn in when they were talking to Bedelia: "I.Don't.Believe.You", throwing her "I.Believe.You." from S2 in his face. Some ointment for that burn, Bedelia?)

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