Tuesday, December 30, 2014

[armageddon it?]

I watched the first part of Revelation:End Of Days on the History channel. History Channel..who aren't sure what they want to be or what they're going for with this.

Before I go on,I think it's probably a good idea to state two things:If you have absolute  opinions about religion, quit reading.

Secondly,I was raised in a church that doesn't really go for the fire and brimstone stuff so much except for a few times a year,though I did get the heaven and hell stuff in CCD.

So I always view anything having to do with "The Rapture" and "End Of Days" with a bit of skepticism. That being said, I have read a few of the Left Behind books.. meh.In the later books in the series they get into some questionable theology.

You start to get into questions of "Is the Bible literal?" or are the things in there metaphors or something else?

One thing that I like is that they are honest about the fact that they use clips from YouTube  at the start of it when they're hearing the noises. However, I could do without all of the shaky cam.Not only are they trying to present this is as a "End of the world" scenario-but it's not believable-as a matter of fact, I think that it veers into bad horror movie-ville-there were a lot of horror movie homages-I quit  counting after a certain point-there was one scene I was almost positive was a shout-out to The Road.

The smartest people are the ones you want to root for(and are unlikely)-the prepper fristance.He's the one the cops think has kidnapped the kids(which turns out not to be the case-more about that in a minute!)The cop doesn't believe the prepper at first but by the end of the first episode he's a believer.Literally. And you can tell(and it's hinted at in the previews for tonight's episode) that it's going to be "us against them"-the believers and the non-believers.

It's rather convenient that one of the groups is is Israel when the shit hits the fan.

The cop(who is the father of one of the missing kids,later to be revealed to be raptured, is slow to believe but by the end of the first episode he believes.

There's a second wave of raptures(not sure that that's biblical..I think that the British scholar cited a bible verse;can't remember which one it is r/n.)

Strangely, when the second wave of raptures happens as they're trying to get the hell out of Dodge Jerusalem, their driver is raptured which is kinda random.

Got a pretty good sense of who is going to come out of this alive(though I saw at least one of the deaths coming a mile off.)

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