Wednesday, December 17, 2014

[at a loss for words]

I usually have a lot to say.. But there have been a few times that I have been at a loss for words. The primary one is when Obama won the election in 2008. I literally could not speak for 5 minutes. Then I called my parents and told them that Obama had won(They were watching a movie and not coverage of the election-can't say I blame them, especially  that particular election and the run-up to it.).

It was a "Wow" moment for me,because I supported Obama bigtime(didn't vote for him the second time..times change) and for my parents, who also supported Obama. Consider too,that was  a big deal to my parents, who lived through the civil rights era and remember what it was like.

The day after Obama was elected the first time, I remember that I was so excited.The subject line for the blog entry I wrote the next  day was "So it's real?I didn't dream it?" This was when I was at Vox, a couple of blogs ago :P

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