Monday, September 29, 2014

[creative writing]

Today's prompt is: Tiffany and Alan meet on a cruise. One of them loves to cook.

OK. confession time.. Tiffany is SO me. I love to cook. I'm basically inserting myself into the story.

Tiffany was making notes whilst she watched the cooking demonstration. Alan noticed that  She noticed him noticing and said "I'm going to try this  when I get home;but change a few things" and went back to taking notes.

At the end, they gave out samples, which were delicious. Tiffany went and sat by the pool for  a while, then she went to get ready for dinner.

That night happened to be formal night so Tiffany dressed up. She went to the dining room and was shown to  a table with several other people who she didn't know.One of who was Alan.

Alan, it turned out, wasn't much of a cook. "I do like to eat though" he said. "The microwave is my best friend.

"I could help you with that..give you some advice on cooking" Tiffany said. "Oh, I would love that!" Alan replied "I can send you a ton of links to Youtube clips on how to cook, too". By the end of dinner, they had exchanged emails and cell phone numbers.

At the end of the cruise, Tiffany and Alan headed back to the airport at the same time. Alan looked over and there was Tiffany. "It was meant to be" Alan thought.

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