Tuesday, September 16, 2014

[not surprised..with all the competition in the area?]

I found out that my old gym closed down. *points to subject line*. Apparently it was up for sale and they didn't get any takers. Well, it's not a new building.Whoever bought it would have to go in and do a LOT of work on it.

First Class(my old gym) has been struggling since they were sold the first time a while back-the new owners came in and did a few improvements(which were great) but you know that saying about putting lipstick on a pig? Yeah, that.  It has always had cleanliness issues(even with the former owners) and neither of the owners seemed keen on fixing them. Getting more up-to-date equipment(in both of the owners' cases) was more important than fixing issues with cleanliness in the bathrooms and showers.

Apparently one of the people that works at First Class is going to start another gym-whether that means that they can reopen First Class in the current location or if they have to find someplace else I  don't know.

Part of the problem is that  when the new owners came in they turned First Class into more of a MMA studio(they've always had just a smattering of gym equipment but whenever I went I hardly ever had to wait for an exercise bike.)

The new owners got more away from that(MMA and the like as I said before)  and I think that scared away a lot of the longtime members. Hell, they even got rid of the childcare,which was a BIG reason they were so popular with people in the neighbourhood. The thought was that people really want more MMA studios. Problem is, there is no shortage of them, especially in this area. Or gyms in general.

We're getting a new 24 Hour Fitness in the local mall, and we've got branches of Chuze and Planet Fitness as well.Oh and LA Fitness, where I work out. I was reflecting on the news about First Class and I came to this conclusion:I don't regret joining LA Fitness. Not one bit. :)

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