Tuesday, September 30, 2014

[hate is not a family value]

Lately, it seems that having a reality show is a platform for erm.. controversial opinions.

Look at Dog the Bounty Hunter. The Duck Dynasty guys. You know, I cut them some slack because they were actually  sorry for what they said.

Paula Deen,however, I will never forgive?Why?Because she kept trying to justify what she said.And I don't think she's actually sorry.

What brought this up is that I was reading about these brothers-the Benhams-who got a show on HGTV. HGTV were all excited, new show on the network and all that and they were promoting the fact that this new show was  going to be on HGTV.

*Then* they found out about some of the Benham brothers' beliefs. They are very extreme-very homophobic, for one thing.

I'm going to stop right here and make an observation:Seriously:Have they  never ever watched HGTV? because they would figure out that it's very gay friendly right away, and, therefore, the *opposite* of everything that they believe in.

So now they're saying that they're being "targeted" for having the beliefs that they have. Oh please! People are entitled to their opinion but doing some digging, their father has some opinions-about gays, about abortion, about Muslims-that would qualify as "extreme".

I don't trust anyone who also goes around spouting crap about how what's wrong with the US is related to "agendas".(no matter what side they're on)

They're on a par with the Duggars, who have compared the Holocaust to abortion on more than one occasion. I don't even know where to start about how offensive that is.

I can(and should) do a whole post on companies with conservative values. I used to get really upset about the whole Chick Fil A thing but I've calmed down about that a lot.

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