Friday, September 26, 2014

[S1 Ep 5 Coquilles]

*Will sleepwalking-and he tells the cop that he's only had 2 fingers of whiskey. Riight. LOL. Will goes to Hanni's where he has coffee from Hanni's fancy coffee maker. Hannibal thinks Jack is manipulating  Will(more about that in a  minute!)

*When Jack says "are you awake?" he should've added "And I hope to god that you haven't had any breakfast yet".

*The Blood Eagle is an especially crappy way to die.Especially given that one of the  victims lived for 15 minutes after they were blood eagled.

*Bev sticks her finger in the vomit on the nightstand(ewwww) like it's nobody's buisness.

*Jack and Bella finally have dinner with Hannibal-and we get our first inkling of his super sense of smell. He smells Bella's perfume.. and her cancer.. and she knows this.  I have something in common with Bella-I don't like foie gras.

*They figure out  from the killer's vomit that he has cancer and is on medication for it. There is a theme of mortality running through  this episode, with the killer's cancer, and Bella's.

 And Bella knows Hannibal knows  so  she goes to talk to him and there is this whole great conversation(though it's  very affecting)about how she doesn't want to bother Jack since he's got so many other things going. And when Jack tries to talk to her she..pushing him away isn't quite the right word but it fits. There's also a comment about bargaining which sounds like the stages of grief.

*So again we get another discussion about Jack trying to manipulate Will, which is interesting.Jack tries to manipulate Will but Jack  keeps luring him back.. so in a way,Hannibal's right(as loathe as I am to say that!)

* The alleyway killer.. with  the cut rate surgery....shudder. Will yells at Jack which surprises everyone.

*Beverly is very direct with Will-always was.

*Jack thinks Bella is having an  affair. He was wrong. He was so wrong.(sorry. I had to. :P)

*Will loses time again and winds up on his roof.

*Whilst they're talking to the killer's wife, Jack figures out what is going on with Bella, and busts her she's walking out of her session with Hannibal.

*The killer  blood eagles himself(best not to think about how he did that)

*There's a mirror of Jack's conversation with Bella in his office. Will's like "I'm not going anywhere" and he really  *is* going to sit there until Jack is ready to talk.

My ears rang like the first time I heard my mom use the f word.

Did you just smell me?

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