Saturday, September 27, 2014

[tv things]

*Didn't really care for Laurence Fishburne's show Blackish. I might try watching it again On Demand.

*One of my friends was raving about Gotham;I watched it and am now hooked.

*Mysteries Of Laura is still really good-quite a bit less of her kids in this  week's episode.They're good only in small doses.

*Gracepoint, the US remake of Broadchurch, starts this week so I will be writing a review  soon.

*Thursday's episode of Bones confirmed what I suspected. It has jumped the shark(I mentioned the fact  that I thought the season finale last season was convoluted on Twitter and someone said that it's been that way for a while. Whilst there were some good episodes last season, the last half of the season(especially the season finale) left a lot to be desired.

Unfortunately, the producers/show runners don't seem to think that Bones has run its course yet.There's talk that this could be the last season, but the producers  act like there *could* be one more after this. God I hope not.

I wonder, if they make a decision about Bones' fate if they will leave it 'till the last. I remember with House's final season, they announced it in February;which was late; but it gave them enough time to wrap things up.

My other problem with it is that there was a lot that reminded me of S2 of Hannibal. I mean,  it's a tenuous link at best but there were a couple of things  that I noticed. There was also a  major character death which upset a lot of fans.

(Not the first character death on TV this week by the way; a female character on Chicago Fire (who happens to be a lesbian) was killed off. The reaction to it was almost identical to what happened when Beverly was killed off on Hannibal.Except Bryan Fuller did a lot better job explaining the reasons why he did what he did than the show runner of Chicago Fire did.

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