Wednesday, October 1, 2014

[working out]

My workout at my current gym consists of some variation of  treadmill, bike, and weights(I switch the order of them around so that I don't get bored.)

I  go to a  gym that is supposedly the biggest on the West Coast.I believe it-compared to my old gym, it *would* seem small! I have yet to try any of the classes-I've seen the yoga and aerobics/Zumba classes going on. I do not, however, want to try spinning. To a man, when I've told people I have spinning classes at my gym everyone say "Oh my gosh, that will kick your butt!" I believe it!

One of the big reasons I joined my gym is that they have a pool. I've only used it once. I'll probably use it again though. I like that a) it's heated, but not too heated and b) it's  not too deep.

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