Saturday, October 4, 2014

[a difference of opinion..or something else?]

The Cruise Critic posts are back, yes. Not sure if this is going to become a regular thing again or not.. but..

It seems like there are a lot of people who like to your face. Case in point when it comes to hats. I understand that wearing a hat indoors is rude..I do. BUT, there are reasons that someone would be wearing a hat indoors,like if they have recently had chemo. I've said this before, but  saying "No, you should not wear a hat  indoors *ever*-even if you have a legit reason to-is just going to make them feel self conscious about it. Is that *honestly* how you want to come off to others?

Then there's the matter of what constitutes rudeness and bad manners.. I have to say that that thread is a REALLY good example of why you should think before you post something. There are a lot of assumptions being made-about a LOT of things-and we all know what happens when you assume.

Take people taking the elevator to go from one floor to the next. When someone said that that bothers them, a bunch of people chimed in that you don't know what their situation is, maybe they have trouble with their mobility and they don't want to take the stairs. Thing is, that isn't the sort of thing you can always see, it's not so obvious(hell, I have trouble walking down the stairs on a cruise ship and I'm  fairly able bodied, though  I do have some balance issues. The time I  try to avoid using the stairs is when the ship is moving, because that can be dicey!

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