Sunday, October 5, 2014

[odds and ends]

*I got new glasses. I had to have my eyes dilated..That was..unpleasant. I'll just leave it at that :P

*It feels like summer in the daytime, but at night it is *definitely* fall.Also, there's a lunar eclipse this week![/nerdy]

*I gave my mom my Christmas list..she appreciated getting it so early :)

*Originally I was going to put this in a separate post but I tried 2 new restaraunts(3, actually, my parents had been to one of the restaraunts before  but I hadn't-more about that tomorrow!)

 The first was Local Tap House which is close to my house. Not  a huge menu but I was able to find something that I liked, and Teri Cafe which had Japanese food with a Hawaiian theme. This was because we couldn't get over to where  we usually have lunch because the street was closed. I  didn't mind trying something new, and it was delicious(I had a teriaki chicken bowl and an iced tea) And it was cheap-under $13 for both of us!

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