Friday, October 3, 2014

[S1 Ep 12 Releves]

*Georgia and Will's heart to heart(as an aside: Georgia's grafts are not very good.)

*Wakey wakey Will!(ever since I first saw that episode I've wondered what silkie chicken tastes like). Will: "You made me chicken soup?" Hannibal: "Yes". Ouch.

*Will's insight on Georgia basically signs her death warrant.

*I have a very severe fear of static shock so Georgia's death was hard for me to watch on several different levels.

*Freddie dislikes Will.Stating the obvious,I know. She's Ms. Unhelpful.

*The Grudge shout out with Georgia which turns out to be Will-sweaty, fevery Will..still in his hospital room.

*Jack is concerned so he goes to talk to Hannibal. Oh Jack.. *shakes head*.

*We get a scene with Jack and Bedelia( Crawdelia?) Bedelia knows what's going on with's pretty obvious in this episode and also in a LOT of the second season. She says "Hannibal, stop" later on in the episode. Yeah, that. :P There are allusions to her attack, the truth about which comes out in S2. Also, we get Hannibal and his boundaries. Or lack thereof, I should say.

*We see a lot of the  "real" Abigail in this episode,especially when she's talking to Will.

*Will talking to Hannibal about the case "It's someone close to the case". No.Shit.

*Will  takes aspirin like they're Tic Tacs. How he doesn't have a hole in his stomach I will never know(maybe he uses coated aspirin?)

*Clearly, Abigail had(at that point) been brainwashed(somewhat) by Hannibal, already, which,in hindsight, as with Miriam...especially watching  the scene where Hannibal tells Abigail that he couldn't protect her in this life.

*Will loses time and wakes up in a plane on the tarmac at Dulles which is probably one of his most disturbing losing time episodes.


Will: Did you fish or did you hunt, Abigail?

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