Friday, October 24, 2014

[S1 Ep 13 Savoureux]

*Will out in the woods hunting,with the bullroarer sound effect(which crops up again later on in the episode) is truly scary.And I don't get scared easily. Then we realize that it's a dream sequence, with the camera distorting slightly..and Will goes into the kitchen and throws up an ear.

*Of course, he calls Hannibal, who is Mr. Helpful(NOT!!)

*The Ravenstag/Wendigo imagery has been prominent,in case it wasn't clear that the Ravenstag/Wendigo represents Hannibal.

*Poor Will. They cart him off and Winston is so confused. Winstooooooon!

*Jack is such a jerk, and it doesn't get better 'till most of the way through S2. He pushed Will. Yes, he did.Alana has every right to go off on him. The scene where she loses her shit in her car is masterful. She's the one who takes care of Will's dogs whilst he's in the mental hospital(and adopts one of her own-I would have loved to have heard the backstory behind her adopting Applesauce(her dog's name).

*Beverly is skeptical(though she *is* the one who goes to bat for Will and well...

*Will looks so unsurprised when Alana asks him to draw a clock.

*Hannibal's fake ass tears  when he talks about Will with Bedelia.. *seethes* Hannibal has Bedelia wrapped around his little finger..

*Hannibal is the world's best frame up artist with the lures(and yet they don't find any of Hannibal's DNA from when he stuck himself? WTF.

*Will gets Mirandized. Oh Will. Oh honey.

*After the end of S2 there should be no doubt about what Hannibal is.In this episode  though, they're drinking Hannibal's Kool-Aid.

*The look Hannibal gets on his face when Alana mentions encephalitis.. if looks could kill..

*Will escapes and hangs out at Hannibal's. He's starting to put things together. He and Hannibal go back to Minnesota and that's where  the showdown happens. Again, we get the bullroarer(with very creepy effect, again) and Will gets shot we get a callback to the pilot with Will in the same spot Garrett Jacob Hobbs was killed saying " See? See?" and he sees Hannibal as the wendigo. We get another callback to the pilot with Hannibal and Jack sitting on either side of Will's hospital bed just like Will and Hannibal did with Abigail.

*Bedelia knows Hannibal.She knows him very well.She probably-no, definitely-knows what she's eating is people.

*That final scene where Hannibal visits Will... Say it with me: "Hannibal, you ASSHOLE!!"

Will: I stared at Hobbs; and the space opposite  me assumed the shape of a man filled with dark swarming flies.Then I scattered them.

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