Friday, October 17, 2014

[S1 Ep 10 Buffet Froid]

*The beginning of this episode is an honest to god jump scare-in anyone else's hands it would be a tired trope, but here, it totally works.

*The clock drawing-I love Will's "why?" when Hannibal asks him to draw a clock.

*Will freaking out at the crime scene and thinking he's contaminated it.

*Beth LeBeau's house and Will's house are very similar. Coincidence?

*Jack asks if he's broken Will. I think you know the answer to that,Jack.Not only that, Jack flip flops a lot WRT Will.

*Funny how they initially think the killer is a guy.

*Hannibal is so manipulative,and misdirecting.-when Will needs a doctor, Hannibal suggests Dr. Sutcliffe who is a friend of his.He tells Sutcliffe  to lie to Will. Will later suspects, which is why he wants to have more tests done. This causes Sutcliffe to wind up becoming Dr. Pez Head.

*A good book on encephalitis is Brain On Fire by Susannah Cahallan. In the book there is a picture of the clock she drew when she was sick and it looks exactly like the one Will drew.

*Will goes back to Beth LeBeau's house, runs into Georgia Madchen and loses time.And pulls off a bunch of Georgia's skin.He calls Beverly because she is the only one who understands him.Always was.

*Hannibals says that anything he publishes about Will would be changed enough so that it wouuldn't be obvious who he is. Somehow, I kinda doubt that,it's Hannibal we're talking about,after all!

*"You didn't kill Miriam Lass..the Chesapeake Ripper did".. one of those "in hindsight" moments to be sure.

*Georgia manages to slip past Will's "guard" dogs. The last scenes of the movie-how Georgia sees what happened-are trippy-Hannibal with no face. I believe that this is also the first appearance of the "murder onesie".


Jack:I'm not sand,I'm bedrock.

Will:It's  7:16 P.M., I'm in Baltimore Maryland,my name is Will Graham.

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