Sunday, October 26, 2014

[volunteering for health work in countries with ebola..]

Should come with a caveat. You *will* be quarantined. If you don't like it, tough. It's a matter of public health/safety. Not only that, you, health workers, should know  better than to complain about this. You really freaking should.

Thankfully everyone(save for Thomas Duncan) got help early enough that they recovered/are recovering.

Luckily,we're getting a better understanding of how this thing works(and getting better treatments for  it and, hopefully, by next year, a vaccine.)

One of the reasons that we've been able to keep this under control is because we have excellent medical care here. We could definitely use some improvements when it comes to quarantining people with Ebola,but we're doing better. This is going to be a way of life for a while so we need to just get used to it.

Seriously, I was so freaked out  at one point that I did not want to go on the plane. But you know what? I thought "why get freaked out about this?"

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