Wednesday, October 15, 2014

[you have to live your life as normally as possible]

There are going to be a lot of-are- a lot of nurses that complain that a)they're not trained enough and b) that nurses(including Nina Pham and now,apparently, another health care worker who has Ebola, are being thrown under the bus.]

Let's be real here: Nursing is a noble profession.

However,the fact of the matter is is that nurses ARE underpaid and undertrained to deal with Ebola.They are no Emory,that is for sure.Texas Presbyterian, who hospital that treated Thomas Duncan, the man who died of Ebola. already has two strikes against it.And it's  NOT OK to criticise the hospital in spite of all that?

Texas Presbyterian needs to cut  the "we're doing the best we can" crap. This is not a "try your best" situation. I don't know, am I being too harsh?I'd appreciate your comments.

What I'll never understand was why people freaked out over Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol being flown back to the U.S. Admittedly, I was one of those people who had a LOT of concerns,but eventually, I understood-and let's be honest here-would they have survived  if they had stayed in Liberia?

Precautions were taken in bringing them back to the States and they were getting the best care possible. And now, Kent Brantly is giving back by donating his blood in hopes it helps those with Ebola who need it.

So yeah:Better someplace like Emory, where they are equipped to deal with Ebola, than someplace like Texas Presbyterian, who half ass it with protocols.Hell, this is the hospital that sent Thomas Duncan home with a fever.

And you know, I have a lot of opinions about this,but I'm keeping them to myself.

I can't believe the balls Nancy Snyderman has, breaking her quarantine because she HAD to have..a bowl of soup. She was exposed when she was in Liberia recently.)

There's a LOT of call for her to be fired from NBC-and I agree.Of all the people who REALLY should know better, she should. She's been reporting on the Ebola outbreak from the start. It's wrong, on so many levels. However, she will NEVER be sorry enough about that for my liking. This is  a matter of public safety and health. NBC needs to make an example of her.

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