Friday, March 27, 2015

[S1 Ep5:Coquilles]

*Will sleepwalking-that had to hurt. The Nightmare Stag is like "whatcha doin', Will?"

*Winston(who is the most loyal of all of Will's dogs, IMO)

*The cop is skeptical that Will hasn't had that much to drink.

*Will goes to Hannibal's(Hannibal and his fancy schmancy coffee(tea?) maker.

*Will aggressive?Nah, he's a lamb(a silent lamb?)

*The Angelmaker sees his victims with their heads on fire.

*What Jack is really saying when they're about to walk in the hotel room:"I REALLY hope you didn't have any breakfast".

*The "angels". OMFG.

*Blood eagle-an especially shitty way to die.

*Bev sticks her finger in that vomit like a boss.

*Jack and Bella have dinner at Hannibal's-we get the explaination of why she's called Bella.

*Hannibal smells Bella's perfume-and her cancer.Hannibal is like one of those cancer-sniffing dogs.Jack(at that point) has no idea.

*The woman of the couple who became angels lived for 15 minutes after she was blood eagled. Jesus.

*The killer has a brain tumour.

*Bella knows that Hannibal knows that she has cancer.Bella doesn't want Jack to see her at her worst/burden him with her "indignity" when things get bad.

*Hannibal is trying to alienate Will.Bastard.

*It's understandable, with the way that Bella's acting,that he would think that  something was fishy/she was cheating on him.

*The next Angel Maker victim  is found hanging in an alley-without his testicles. Yikes.

*Will snaps at Jack. Again, Bev is an astute observer of Will.

*Will can't sleep,and then he wakes up on his room with his dogs barking at him!

*Hannibal smells Will-tells Will to switch his aftershave "It smells like something with a ship on the bottle". Hannibal, again: "Are you having headaches?" Will "Yes." "Might want to change your aftershave". Ouch. LOL.

*The Angel Maker's wife is talking about her husband and Jack realises-it's exactly like what's been going on with Bella.

*Angel Maker is hanging up in a barn(best not to think  too much about how he got there-see also:Trou Normand)

*Will tells Jack it's getting harder and harder to look and that maybe he should get a job working in a boatyard(in Red Dragon-the book-after he quits the FBI he moves to Florida and gets a job working in a boat yard.)

*Jack shows up at Bella's session with Hannibal and  is waiting for her when her appointment is over.

*Jack says he's not going anywhere, and this is echoed in the next(final) scene in his office with Will(presumably Will knows).

Episode insight:

The theme of this episode is mortality. Both Bella's and The Angel Maker's.

There are differences in how they deal with it;the Angel Maker deals with it by making angels to watch over him. Clearly, he is sicker than anyone knows.He may have ignored his symptoms,thinking it wasn't a big deal.

There's a common thread in that neither of them want(ed) things to get too bad.

Bella(in the books anyhow) has cancer for some time, and then gets worse and does. It's not clear how long she's had cancer.In Red Dragon Jack offers to have Bella stay with Molly,Will's wife.

Bella confides in Hannibal, she doesn't want to bother Hannibal, what with everything he has to deal with.Obviously, Book!Jack and Book!Bella deal with it, and he takes care of her until she dies,

Surprisingly, Jack isn't resentful of Hannibal for being the one that Bella confdes in-even *he* understands that there is such a thing as doctor-patient confidentiality.However, at the end of the episode we see him deep in thought in his office,processing everything that's happened.

Will offers to listen to Jack-basically,Will is Jack's Hannibal, if that makes any sense?

The other thing going on in this episode is Will losing time.

He knows something is going on but isn't quite sure why.At one point the Angel Maker sees him with his head on fire(could this be a precursor to the encephalitis? However, he does see his first victims with their heads on fire too so maybe it *is* significant.)

Hannibal suspects something;that is why he smells Will, to see if he smells anything.Of course a few episodes later he describes Will's smell as a "fevered  sweetness".


Abandonment requires expectation.-Will

My ears rang like the first time I heard my mom use the f word. -Bev

There's no point being mad at cancer for being cancer.-Bella

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