Tuesday, March 10, 2015

[still dealing with health issues]

Today...JFC. I was at Target(attempting to) pick up a prescription and then grabbing a quick lunch and then to my psychologist's office. Weeeeel it didn't exactly play out that way.

First,I go to Target and they don't have my prescription.(Turns out that they were waiting on my doctor's signature.But I didn't know that. I was not happy,to say the least.)

Well, I walk away,grousing under my breath the whole way and HOLY SHIT I got a nosebleed. I went in the bathroom and my nose was bleeding bad.Not the worst one I've ever had,but it scared the Target employee who was in the bathroom with me. She(and several concerned people) kept asking if I was OK/needed to call a paramedic. I appreciate that they were coming from a place of concern but after the first few times I was like "I'm fine, I'm seeing a doctor soon"(which I am..originally I was going to have to wait 2 weeks,but now I'm going next Wednesday.I'll take what I can get to be quite honest,but I just want to know what is going on.

The lady at Target seemed VERY skeptical when I said that it was because of dry weather. I don't know any different(and don't have any reason to think that it might be something else.) I try really hard to not catastrophize, but it's really difficult  when you look up nosebleeds on WebMD, and granted, most of the causes  of nosebleeds are NABD but  they can also be a symptom of more serious things!(I'm sticking with the dry weather explaination )

When I went to the emergency room, a couple of weeks ago, the ER doc told me that  anterior nosebleeds are the most common type of nosebleed and whilst it might seem like it's a lot, in point of fact not that much.Also he showed me how to pinch my nose to stop the bleeding.

The unpredicability of when I am going to get a nosebleed is one of the reasons that I want to see a doctor, like yesterday :P And I still have to go back to Target tomorrow to get my prescriptions..that is going to be fun. I know imma be "Bad nosebleed lady" now.

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